Rohit Prasan Mandal,


The most fundamental and curious nature of the brain is to ask questions. Some are relevant, and some are just useless. To justify this statement, one can introspect their search history. The difference between an ordinary person and a great person lies in the degree of their questioning skills. For example, philanthropists have questioned what we've taken for granted. As a Computer Science student, I asked myself about these.

Whenever I tried to see through the codes and understand their true nature, invariably, it led me to a clear-cut logic with a mathematical explanation. Sooner or later, in this field of Computer Science, Mathematics is a rudimentary thing to know to get to the root of all solutions.

And why is that? Because a computer is nothing but an excellent calculator which does infinitely complex calculations these days with massive datasets, optimizing itself with derivations and figuring out values to fit a model in a nutshell. A little attention is needed to see that most computer scientists are/were mathematicians who can write logic in machine-level languages.

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