Rohit Prasan Mandal,

Visualizing unsolved problems in mathematics (python)


Every solution of a problem raises new unsolved problems. — Karl Popper


These are the most well-known unproven mathematical problems. The goal of these projects is to use Python to gain some insight into these hypotheses in order to find any possible pattern through which we can observe some characteristics of these hypotheses. We may not be able to prove these hypotheses, but delving into them and comprehending their complexities is nonetheless intriguing.

Index :

  1. Collatz Conjecture : YouTube . GitHub
  2. abc Conjecture : YouTube . GitHub
  3. Goldbatch Conjecture : YouTube . GitHub
  4. Reimann Hypothesis : YouTube . GitHub
  5. Twin Prime : YouTube . GitHub

1. Collatz Conjecture

Mathematics may not be ready for such problems. — Paul Erdos

Collatz Conjecture is one of the most famous unproven problem in the realm of mathematics. The conjecture states that repeating two simple arithmetic operations will eventually transform any positive integer into 1.

Take any positive integer, n :


My work on visualizing this conjecture :

2. Goldbatch Conjecture

My work on visualizing this conjecture :

3. Reimann Hypothesis :

My work on visualizing this conjecture :

4. Twin Prime Conjecture :

My work on visualizing this conjecture :

5. abc Conjecture :

My work on visualizing this conjecture :

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